crowd of people reaching for a globe

Who is most affected by the environmental crises?

About this event

Head over to the Everyone’s Environment events page to catch up on all our past environment events.

Join NPC and our charity partners at this event launching our research into the impacts of environmental change and policies on young people, disabled and older people, and people from ethnic minority communities.  

Environmental change, and the policies introduced to respond to it, will not affect all people in the same way; some of the most disadvantaged and marginalised people are likely to be worst affected by our changing environment or related policy. Those impacts are poorly understood and very few of the people affected have been included in decision-making on how society responds.  

In the first phase of the Everyone’s Environment programme at NPC, we have been working with charities in the social and environmental sectors to gather evidence of the impacts of environmental change on different groups. Going forwards, we will build on this understanding with direct consultation with people in these groups, and through uniting social and environmental charities into shared action. 

We’re inviting charities, funders and policymakers to join us at this event to find out more about how environmental change and policies will affect the people they serve and to start thinking about what they can do about it. 

While this event is free to attend, thanks to funding from the City Bridge Trust, we are also able to offer a limited number of reimbursements of £80, to cover time spent attending the event. These are available to ethnic minority, Disabled, and older (75+) representatives of London based organisations, or other representatives of London based organisations led by ethnic minority communities, Disabled and/or older (75+) people. Reimbursements are available on a first come, first served basis, with a maximum of one reimbursed place per organisation. Email us to apply.

We’re grateful to City Bridge Trust, Garfield Weston Foundation, William Grant Foundation and BBC Children in Need for their support for this event.


City bridge trust logo


Garfield Weston logo

William Grant Foundation logo Supported by BBC children in need



We are actively working to improve the accessibility of our online and in-person events. As part of our commitment, for all online events we use live closed captions and upload the recordings to YouTube which has the capability to select subtitles. For in-person events we strive to use accessible venues. If you have any additional accessibility requirements that we can assist with, please email us at


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