Visual Summaries
These visual summaries give an overview of our research into how different social groups in the UK are affected by climate change, nature loss, and related government policy.
For each group, there are two visual summaries: one of the negative impacts of environmental crises and one of what a fairer future can look like if people are included in policymaking.
For more detail and background on all of these findings, read the full briefings.
Jump to a social group
Disabled People
Read the full briefing on How will the climate and nature crises impact older people and Disabled people?
Ethnic Minority Communities
Read the full briefing on How will the climate and nature crises impact people from ethnic minority communities?
Older People
Read the full briefing on How will the climate and nature crises impact older people and Disabled people?
Young People
Read the full briefing on How will the climate and nature crises impact young people?