Weeknote w/c 31st May 2021

What we did

  • We launched our app in Beta! We have a new logo and a new domain (https://mybestlife.app/) and we’re amazed at how far we’ve come since the project began. You can read a brief history of My Best Life here.
  • We confirmed our user testing script, which aims to explore which aspects of the web app allow young people to increase their awareness of activities and support in their local area.
  • We had our first interview with a young person to test the app. We are speaking to a range of young people from different backgrounds to understand if this web app is something they would use—and if it is, what aspects make it useful and which are unhelpful.

What we’re thinking about

We’re moving ahead with scheduling interviews with young people to test our app. A couple have already taken place this week and we’re hoping to do more over the next fortnight. This will be vital for us to understand how young people use and respond to the app, and whether it adds value to them. We’re also keen to get going on site visits so we can test the concept in real-life settings.

Our Demo Day is coming up, where we’ll be meeting LVN, Mee Too and Youth Card to discuss our digital products and how we might work together. We want to avoid duplication as much as possible, especially when charities might already be stretched for time having to update their data for other directories.


Launch Day was exciting, but we now want to make sure we don’t lose momentum on the project. We need to get more funding lined up if we want to develop the app further. After the Beta testing in June, we’ll move on to a ‘bridging phase’ which should help us get from a proof of concept to a scalable product.

Wins from this week

  • By launching the app in Beta, we’ve reached a huge milestone!
  • We’ve already received some useful insights about the app from the young people we’ve spoken to so far.
