The future of shared measurement

As part of Inspiring Impact and NPC’s work to identify sectors that could benefit from shared measurement, we have built on these conditions to identify criteria against which charities and funders can assess whether a sector is ready for this approach.

The acknowledgment that impact measurement can transform the effectiveness of a charity has led many to embrace it. However, all too often, different charities working to tackle the same problems or achieve the same outcomes are measuring their impact in different ways.

This state of play works against the full potential of impact measurement. Shared measurement—the use of common measurement tools by more than one organisation—reduces the duplication of effort in developing bespoke impact measurement tools, allowing charities to focus their resources more efficiently. By measuring consistently we can compare information between organisations that will help us understand what works and why.

This report reviews developments in shared measurement following the publication of Inspiring Impact’s Blueprint for shared measurement and presents our framework for assessing if a sector is an appropriate candidate for shared measurement.

The framework sets criteria, including indicators of drivers and barriers to shared measurement, that can be used to review and grade sectors based on three core factors:

  • the sector and its infrastructure;
  • current evidence and measurement approaches; and
  • the momentum for shared measurement.


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This publication was developed by NPC as part of the Inspiring Impact programme, which ran from 2011 until early 2022 and supported voluntary organisations to improve their impact practice. More information about the Inspiring Impact programme.
