About NPC
A think tank and consultancy for the social sector
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NPC is the think tank and consultancy for the social sector. Our mission is to help charities, foundations, philanthropists, impact investors, social enterprises, businesses, and the public sector to maximise social impact in the lives of the people they serve. Read some case study examples.
Through our publications, events, policy work and consulting, we support individuals and organisations, challenge and inspire the sector, and help to create the conditions for impact. Read our theory of change for more on how we seek to transform the social sector.
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We want to help the social sector through influence, improvement, and innovation, so that it achieves greater impact for the people it serves.
Innovate: We develop innovative approaches and new resources, focusing especially on how digital and data can enable the sector to maximise social impact.
Influence: We use our data, voice, and convening power to influence the sector’s thinking and to put the social sector and social inequalities higher in the minds of policy makers, with deep dives into specific areas.
Improve: We provide the tools and resources to enable charities, funders and impact investors to work as efficiently and effectively as possible, making best use of their funding, as well as urging and embedding more evidence-led impactful practice throughout the social sector.
A conscience in the sector as well as brains
NPC Survey