Open for all
Open For All aims to enable the social sector to share its knowledge, research, insight, evidence and data in the Commons, for the benefit of all.
It will be working with foundations and philanthropists, charities and social enterprises, infrastructure organisations and communities themselves across the UK and US to develop structures and initiatives that opens up information.
Open For All builds on NPC’s work in this area. Our shared measurement work encouraged multiple charities to use the same impact frameworks and share data to learn and improve. Our work on the Justice Data Lab helped create shared infrastructure for any and all charities to use. Our Open Philanthropy work offered a guide for inclusive and transparent grantmaking. Going back to the beginning of NPC, our sector research helped to pool the knowledge of funders and charities so that everyone can use it.
Open For All asks us to be ambitious in how much can be shared, and to shift the default to knowledge being shared and open.
Areas of focus
Foundations and philanthropists can amass great knowledge and insight from their privileged position in the social sector. Open For All will support them to share the knowledge they gather for the good of all, and to build on shared knowledge by inviting the field into their sense-making, prioritisation and decision-making.
Charities and social enterprises are in the best position to amass knowledge, experience and valuable perspective through their practitioners and closeness to communities. Open For All will support them to work collectively to pool their valuable knowledge, and use it to build power and solidarity, creating shared initiatives, funds and evidence.
Charities generally operate with very little infrastructure to support their work – there are few investors or policymakers that see the vital importance of insfrastructure. Open For All will work to advocate for shared and open infrastructure, and to develop it collaboratively so that people and communities, charities and funders can all access the data and insight they need, and steward that data as the public good that it is.
Get in touch
If you’d like to contribute to our research, work together on a partnership project, or support our work, then contact Open For All Director, Tris Lumley.
Contact Tris