Charity begins at home: Domestic violence, a guide for donors

Domestic violence is often hidden behind closed doors. More than one in four women is affected at some point in her life. Yet the problem is both under-reported and under-recorded.

Charity begins at home gives an overview of domestic violence by men against women, and highlights some of the successful charities that are tackling this problem in the UK.

In April 2008, NPC released a report on violence against women, Hard knock life. The new report updates the guidance given to donors to tackle domestic violence, and broadens out the discussion to provide information about tackling other forms of violence against women. Click here to read about NPC’s 2008 report on violence against women.

Did you know?

  • More than half of refuge residents are children.
  • Every three minutes someone rings the National Domestic Violence Helpline

The 2003 report highlights some priority areas for donors including:

  • advocates to help women navigate statutory services, live safely and hold abusers accountable
  • education and awareness-raising about how best to support a woman suffering from domestic abuse.

 I was told about Mary who, after one severe beating from her partner was put in contact with a charity. The charity’s advocate gave her the confidence to take her partner to court and press charges. Mary says that, without that help, she would not be alive today.

Angela Kail, author of Hard knock life
