Civil Society Strategy 2018: Consultation response

Our submission to the government’s Civil Society Strategy consultation.

In early 2018, the UK government launched a consultation on its strategy for civil society, the first since its Big Society strategy of 2010. ‘We want to have an open conversation about civil society, what is working well, and what government can do to strengthen it further,’ read the call for contributions.

In our submission we focus on:

  • Improving the impact of the sector: governance, regulation and impact
  • Enabling civil society to help create good places and great public services: place, public services and commissioning
  • Promoting a healthy civil society everywhere: infrastructural support
  • Creating a pluralist society: campaigning
  • Getting more money into the sector: funders, philanthropy and impact investment


We hope that this new strategy enshrines the independence of the sector and reaffirms government’s commitment to working with all sections of civil society to help foster the environment we need to flourish.


NPC also signed a joint letter with other voluntary sector organisations calling for ‘a Civil Society Strategy that empowers, enables and supports‘. Co-signatories were: Lloyds Bank Foundation for England & Wales, Acevo, Association of Charitable Foundations, Bond, Charity Finance Group, Children England, Clinks, Directory of Social Change, Institute of Fundraising, Locality, Navca, Small Charities Coalition, and 360 Giving.

Let us know your thoughts via @NPCthinks using #CivilSocietyStrategy


