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Diverse leadership

Arvinda Gohil and Venu Dhupa

Arvinda Gohil, former CEO of the charity Community Links, and Venu Dhupa, Director of Action and Advocacy at Community Links sit down with NPC to discuss the challenges of leading as women of colour in the social sector, what it means to be a role model and what diverse organisations look like.

This conversation is part of our series, Walking the talk, which explores the diversity of the UK’s charities and foundations, with perspectives from both in and outside the sector. Find the full collection.


‘Four days a week voluntary’

Venu Dhupa of Community Links explains how the fact that roles on boards in the charity sector are often unpaid discourages diverse applicants.

What makes a ‘good fit’?

Arvinda Gohil, former CEO of the charity Community links asks how it can be that organisations can continue to shelter behind ‘fit’ as a reason for not employing a diverse range of people.

Local vs. global diversity

Venu Dhupa of Community Links takes on the idea that because some places are not very diverse, diversity is not an issue for charities located there to be concerned about.

Full podcast

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