Building more impactful corporate-charity partnerships
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How non-profits and for-profits can work better to together and make a bigger difference for people and causes.
41% of charities surveyed for our State of the Sector research said they expect to be partnering more with private sector organisations over the next three years.
But there are many things that need to be improved about the way corporate-charity partnerships tend to operate.
Most businesses cite enhancing brand or corporate reputation as their main impetus for partnering with NGOs, while for many charities the lead motivation is resource generation. We think social impact should be the incentive.
In this report we draw on our research into corporate-charity partnerships to present what needs to be done to build more impactful corporate-charity partnerships:
- Establish an equal relationship
Everything else flows from this. An open, honest relationship that balances power and embraces difference can enable partnerships to:
2. Think beyond corporate social responsibility (CSR)
3. Design effective volunteering
4. Involve more partners
5. Measure their impact
We walk through each of these in turn, with examples of effective corporate-charity partnerships, from Deloitte and DePaul UK, to Macmillan and Nationwide.
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