Impact reporting: What trustees need to know

In this short briefing, we explain why impact reporting can help trustees do their job, and how they can encourage their charities to report on impact. We also outline what good impact reporting looks like so trustees can support the process.

Trustees are guardians of a charity’s mission. They are responsible for being clear on what their charity is there to accomplish and ensuring they succeed. Doing their job well requires trustees to learn and improve, embrace change, and work effectively with others to secure improvements for the people or causes they serve

This means trustees should be supporting their charities to report on impact, and using the findings to help guide decisions.

In this short briefing, we explain:

  • why trustees should care about impact reporting;
  • how trustees can support good impact reporting in their charities; and
  • what a should good impact report cover.

We draw on insights and advice shared by speakers and attendees at a seminar held by NPC and The Clothworkers’ Company in January 2017, and on numerous resources published by NPC related to impact reporting.

Want to learn more? We have an event on 23 May 2019 exploring what good impact reporting looks like.

Report authors

