Keeping it in proportion: Impact measurement for small charities
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Impact measurement is often daunting to small charities with few resources; where responsibility for impact measurement might be shared between staff, or feature on a chief executive’s long to-do list. In July 2015, we hosted an event to provide practical advice about how small charities can assess their impact in a way that fits with their size and resources.
This short briefing summarises advice from the speakers on the day, and draws on the experience of those in attendance. The main themes discussed were:
- why small charities should measure their impact;
- the essentials impact measurement for small charities; and
- some top tips for getting started.
This event took place as part of NPC’s seminar series designed to give charities an introduction to various aspects of impact measurement. For more from this series, keep an eye on our twitter page @NPCthinks and the event hashtag #impactseminar, or see the events section of our website.
More publications in this series
Result! What good impact reporting looks like