10 tips to help your project reduce loneliness

This paper brings together emerging findings from the existing evidence to offer practical help to Building Connections Fund grant-holders and other projects working on reducing loneliness.

These tips focus on how services are delivered, rather than what they deliver. The aim is to help you plan and implement projects so that they work more effectively to reduce loneliness.

These tips focus on opportunities to incorporate best practice. The diversity of types of loneliness, types of interventions, target beneficiaries and locations are such that there will never be a one-size-fits-all approach to fighting loneliness. Here, we draw out promising factors, mechanisms and approaches that make existing interventions more likely to be effective. As some tips emphasise, approaches should be personalised and localised to tackle loneliness.

This was produced for grant-holders of the Building Connections fund, but can be applied to other projects tackling loneliness.


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