How will the climate and nature crises affect people experiencing health inequalities?
Part of the Everyone’s Environment programme
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The conditions in which we are born, grow up, live, work, and grow old all impact our health and wellbeing.
We know that Disabled people, people living in areas of high deprivation, people from ethnic minority communities, and people who are socially excluded are at greater risk of experiencing poor health outcomes.
We need to recognise that the inequalities faced by these groups are being further compounded by the effects of environmental change. The effects of air pollution and changes to the natural environment are deepening these profound health inequalities.
For anyone working in a health charity or in any organisation that supports people experiencing health inequalities, the effects of the environmental crises on health and wellbeing can no longer be overlooked.
This briefing lists the impacts of climate change and nature loss on these groups. For example, finding it harder to stay cool in more heatwaves as many life-saving drugs make it harder for your body to regulate temperature.
The Everyone’s Environment programme
This briefing is part of the Everyone’s Environment programme, a collaboration of over 70 social and environmental charities and funders to empower people from different social groups to have their needs reflected in environmental decision making and policy.
We have also published similar briefings for other social groups, the findings of our deliberation groups, and our policy recommendations for government based on those briefings and deliberations. Explore all these publications.
We are grateful to People’s Health Trust for their support of the health strand of Everyone’s Environment.
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