Team GB needs more working class athletes to live up to the Olympian ideal
By Martin Bisp.
On 3 September 2024.
If we want to see the benefits of sport, then it needs to be accessible.
7 ways that heatwaves exacerbate existing inequalities
By Liz Gadd .
On 30 July 2024.
The people most impacted by climate change in the UK are those who are already disadvantaged, often in multiple ways.
3 ways that funders can centre lived experience
By Katie Boswell .
On 14 May 2024.
Charities and funders are increasingly waking up to the value of lived experience.
FAQ: paying experts by experience
By Naomi Chapman .
On 7 May 2024.
In this blog, we explore some of the strategic and practical questions that can arise when compensating experts by experience.
How to make charity workplaces more autism-friendly
By Rose Anderson .
On 2 April 2024.
In this blog for World Autism Acceptance Week, NPC Consultant Rose Anderson encourages charities to consider actions to support staff who have autism.
Involving Experts by Experience in awarding funds
By Ged Cassell.
On 30 January 2024.
Barnwood Trust share what they've learned from giving Experts with lived Experience a genuine voice in awarding funds.
Centring Lived Experience: a strategic approach for leaders
By Charlotte Lamb, Daniel Seifu, and Naomi Chapman .
On 5 December 2023.
Step-by-step guidance on how to effectively incorporate insight from lived experience throughout your organisation.
Equitable evaluation
By Rosie McLeod, and Amina Ali .
On 30 August 2023.
Introducing the ideas that underpin equitable evaluation, explaining how it connects to other approaches that you may be more familiar with.
Why we need to stop relying on the environment sector to solve the climate and nature crises
By Leah Davis .
On 29 August 2023.
More organisations need to start campaigning alongside the environmental movement for urgent policy change.