Rose Anderson

Rose is a Consultant in NPC’s Research and Consulting team. She has been involved with a variety of projects, from researching effective charities to make recommendations to funders, and researching funders themselves to inform NPC’s guidance, to assisting in the delivery of NPC’s workshops. She has experience in developing Theories of Change for charity clients, including a disability campaigning charity and an education charity.

More recently, Rose has been the learning manager for My Best Life, NPC’s digital project helping young people get connected to services in their local area. This role involves managing communications and disseminating learning from the project on NPC Labs. Rose has also taken part in a data-mapping exercise for an environmental charity, helping them decide how to measure their impact. She has assisted in updating NPC’s publications by conducting literature reviews and assessing what guidance already exists. She has been leading telephone interviews to assess the appetite of charities for a new legacy programme proposed by a client of NPC.

Rose’s interests include systems change, governance, diversity and inclusion (especially in relation to gender and disability) and the arts. She graduated from the University of Cambridge in 2019 with a BA Hons in Philosophy, specialising in ethics and political philosophy. Her final-year essay examined what would be the most just response to global poverty.

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Why I work for NPC

I have always had the desire to make a positive difference to others, and working for NPC allows me to fulfil this desire by helping both charities and funders to be more effective. NPC has also afforded me the chance to work with a wide variety of organisations. I enjoy being able to combine my love of research with my passion for helping others.

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