Weeknote w/c 16th August 2021

By Rose Anderson 20 August 2021 2 minute read

What we did

This week has seen us sorting out some admin to make the analysis of young people’s feedback easier. Some of our notes from user testing interviews are saved in different locations, so we’ve been bringing everything together in one spreadsheet.

What we’re thinking about

We’re going to contact (through UK Youth) all the young people who have been part of the My Best Life programme in some way—in design sprints, focus groups, user testing, etc.—to ask if they would like to share their thoughts on their involvement with us. After telling them about the app’s launch and sending them the link, we’ll fill them in on the feedback we’ve had about the app so far and add that we’re also interested in what people thought about the process to create the app. We’re working on a survey to send out to them to gather their opinions, which should be ready by next week. We’re hoping to ask what they liked or didn’t like about the process and whether it changed them as a person.

We’re also continuing to think about how we share our learning with other charities. Instead of producing a big report, we’re considering shorter and more practical ways to disseminate our findings and researching examples from other organisations. If you have any suggestions for how we share our ideas, or you’ve found a good example you want us to see, please leave a comment below or email rose.anderson@thinknpc.org


NPC as a wider organisation is examining NPC Labs and how effective it is as an open innovation space. We don’t currently have any plans to stop using Labs, but we are looking at the pros and cons of potential alternatives. We’re interested in the tools people are using to share their project developments and what they’ve learnt. What are your favourite tools, and why? Leave a comment and let us know!

Wins from this week

  • We were able to conduct some more user testing interviews last week. These have given us some unique insights into the app and how it could be improved.
