How to engage young people in arts and culture
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The artistic landscape is changing. Across the country, budgetary pressures and the demands of career-focussed choices mean that we may be facing a generation of young people who have never experienced art at school or anywhere else. Charities and funders are both looking at the best ways to help young people experience and enjoy arts and culture.
We’ve been working with arts charities, across a full range of artistic styles, to understand what works in engaging young people in the arts. Our analysis of the published literature, data, interviews with practitioners and our conversations with young people themselves have shed light on best practice and challenged conventional wisdom.
For an overview of our key findings and recommendations, read our summary below:
Download the full report
How can we engage more young people in arts and culture?
Size: 2.38 MB
Pages: 60
By: Rachel Tait, Angela Kail, Jennifer Shea, Rosie McLeod, Nicola Pritchard, Fatima Asif
DownloadWe chatted about our findings with Jillian Barker, Director of Learning and Participation at the Royal Opera House, Tina Ramdeen, Head of Youth Policy and Engagement at Roundhouse, and Rachel, young trustee at Roundhouse.
Listen to the conversation below:
We are grateful to the Mohn Westlake foundation for funding this research.
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Bold partnerships drive youth engagement in arts and culture
By Sarah Lanchin.
On 22 August 2019.
Sarah Lanchin of The National Lottery Heritage Fund, explores their approach to involving young people in the projects they fund.
Transforming young people’s experience of Shakespeare
By Jacqui O’Hanlon.
On 10 September 2019.
Jacqui O’Hanlon from the Royal Shakespeare Company shares how to use place, partnerships and youth leadership to engage young people in arts and culture.
Deciding where to draw the line: Defining arts and culture
By Rachel Tait .
On 6 March 2019.
What is art? It might seem academic but for charities trying to engage young people in culture, defining arts and culture matters.