Whistleblowing policy
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Whistleblowing policy
What is whistleblowing?
Employees and workers who make public disclosures, generally about wrong doings in the workplace, are commonly referred to as ‘whistleblowers’. Under certain circumstances ‘whistleblowers’ are protected under legislation.
What is NPC’s approach to whistleblowing?
NPC encourages all staff to speak up when they think that something is wrong. This might cover a wide range of topics such as work, the conduct of NPC, its clients, or the colleagues’ actions that affect the employee. Typical examples might include the terms and conditions of employment, health and safety, relationships at work, new working practices, organisational change, and equal opportunities.
Any concerns can be raised with the individual’s line manager, with a member of the senior management team, the HR & Facilities Manager or the independent HR Consultant
NPC’s encourages staff to raise concerns informally in the first instance. This will hopefully lead to speedy resolution of problems. If the matter cannot be resolved informally a formal written grievance may be raised which will be dealt with promptly, in accordance with our grievance policy.
When an employee wishes to make a disclosure that concerns cannot be dealt with internally, it can be raised with Public Concern at Work, an independent whistleblowing charity.
What should a client or member of the public do if they have a concern?
Please make us aware immediately by calling 0207 620 4850 and asking to speak to a member of our senior management team.