wind turbine

Social investment and impact investing

Social investment and impact investment

We are at a pivotal moment in which social and economic inequalities are increasing and the climate and biodiversity crises are deepening. How and where we invest has a significant impact on these social and environmental challenges and it can contribute to the problems or solutions. 

To ensure this impact is positive, we work with investors, organisations, policymakers, and individuals to release the positive potential of the investment system. Since 2012, NPC has worked with foundations, family offices and impact investors by supporting strategy development, impact due diligence for investments, portfolio-level impact measurement, monitoring and reporting. 


Find out how we can help you

Whether you’re a charity, funder or social enterprise, we can offer you tailored support from NPC.

Please get in touch with our impact investment team:  Gurmeet Kaur, Principal: Impact Investing, David Neaum, Senior Consultant: Impact Investing, and Elizabeth Parker Senior Consultant: Impact Investing, to discuss your best options.

Gurmeet Kaur profile pic

Support we provide

systems mapping multiple disadvantage

Systems mapping

Systems mapping to identify opportunities where impact investing can effectively be integrated in understanding key social issues.

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Group meeting

Strategy development

Strategy development and landscape analysis to identify opportunities for integrating investments with a potential to deliver impact in key areas of interest.

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Team meeting photo

Impact investing allocation strategies

Impact investing allocation strategies to find the right balance between impact and financial returns.

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Impact measurement and management

Impact due diligence and ongoing impact management support for fund managers and investors.

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NPC charity experts

Impact capacity building

Impact capacity building to enable your organisation to undertake due diligence, provide impact support and undertake impact reporting.

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a calculator and forms

Impact evaluations

Impact evaluations to support organisations to identify opportunities for further learning from their impact investment programs.

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NPC charity experts

Impact support for organisations

Impact support for organisations including, strategy, theory of change, impact management, impact data and metrics.

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Who we work with

Macarthur foundation logo (resized)

MacArthur Foundation

NPC are the learning and evaluation partner for the Catalytic Capital Consortium (C3) led by the MacArthur Foundation. C3 is an investment, learning, and market development initiative bringing together leading impact investors to encourage greater impact and use of catalytic capital.

Rethink Mental Illness logo


NPC are working with the national mental health charity Rethink Mental Illness as a systems change partner to support a programme of work to increase the amount of quality supported accommodation for people with severe mental illness.

Social Investment Scotland Ventures Logo

SIS Ventures

NPC are the impact partner for Social Investment Scotland Ventures. Since 2018, NPC have provided SIS Ventures with external impact support, in setting up an impact due diligence, measurement, and management system and supporting the development of in-house capacity.

Featured resources on social investment and impact investing

Impact investment services

Systems mapping

Finding solutions to complex social issues often requires creative thinking about where and how funding and financing fits into the system.

We can help you understand the systems you are looking to change, including where and how funding and financing interacts with other elements in the system, where there are opportunities for investment, and what potential solutions there may be for deploying blended finance or concessionary capital to create systems that yield beneficial outcomes for all their stakeholders. 

systems mapping multiple disadvantage

Strategy development and landscape analysis 

Impact investing strategies at a portfolio level often benefit from a landscape analysis of thematic areas of interest to learn where different kinds of financial support can have the most impact.

It can help identify charities, start-ups, early-stage ventures, and more mature companies within a sector who are working to deliver the impact you want to support.  

Group meeting

Impact investing allocation strategies 

It is increasingly important to grant making trusts and foundations to consider impact across their whole portfolio of investing and grant-making activities.

We can help you develop your impact strategy alongside your asset manager, helping you to decide what percentage to allocate to impact, where you can use investing to catalyse impact, and how your grant making strategies relate to your investment strategies.

Team meeting photo

Impact measurement and management

Impact due diligence is an important part of impact investing, and many fund managers or foundations seeking to make direct investments don’t have the capacity, frameworks, or technical expertise to do this themselves.

We can offer this service, providing you with end-to-end impact partnership support with the added benefit of the additional impact assurance that third party expertise can provide.


Impact capacity building 

In addition to providing external impact services we can also take you on a learning journey, building frameworks, and supporting the development of your impact practice, while providing training and support to develop your internal capacity

NPC charity experts

Impact evaluations

Market building or change initiatives that seek to influence the sector are best implemented with experienced learning and evaluation partners that can help provide the strategic guidance to develop your theory of change.

We can support your feedback for ongoing learning, support with data collection, provide an evaluation of initiative based on that data, and report on the initiative’s effectiveness and can offer this service throughout the design and delivery of your initiative. 

a calculator and forms

Impact support for organisations

Impact investees, particularly early-stage investees, often benefit from impact support tailored to their stage of growth. This can flow from the due diligence process or can be stand-alone.

It may be support developing their theory of change or identifying what outcomes they are going to measure and how. It may be help with impact reporting or impact capacity building. We can offer this support proportionate to need.  

NPC charity experts

Impact investment support

If you would benefit from professional support on your next social investment or impact investment project, NPC's team can help.

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