User involvement
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Involving users means working ‘with people’ not doing things ‘to people’. At NPC we believe charities and funders work best when they involve their beneficiaries in governance, designing services, and developing strategy.
The people whom charities and funders exist to help often have little or no influence over those organisations’ decisions. To achieve impact, it’s critical that charities and funders find meaningful ways for their beneficiaries to let them know how they would like things to be different.
As the evaluation partner for the Building Connections Fund, we supported grant-holders in co-design processes. From this, we’ve published guidance on how to implement and evaluate co-design which is applicable to almost any project, and we run regular training sessions to help you put it into practice. Get in touch with our consultants for support with your project.
Featured resources and commentary on user involvement

Centring Lived Experience: a strategic approach for leaders
Step-by-step guidance on how to effectively incorporate insight from lived experience throughout your organisation.

Make it count: Why impact matters in user involvement
This paper argues for a greater focus in the social sector on what user involvement aims to achieve and evidencing its effectiveness.

How can you meaningfully involve young people in your policy work?
Working with the Health Foundation, we have identified practical lessons for engaging young people in policy work.
Latest updates

4 key lessons from our co-production experience in grant-making
Insights from a poverty reduction programme for women in Middlesbrough.

The importance of a trauma-informed workplace
'An overarching value for me has been to work with all stakeholders in a trauma informed way to make sure there is justice in our processes.' NPC Ignites speaker, Benaifer Bhandari.

3 ways charities can improve sexual health awareness
Centre lived experience, give government the data to influence policy, and help to 'bridge the gap'.
Talk to us
Got a question, comment, or want to work with us on user involvement? Get in touch with Naomi Chapman.
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