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User involvement

Join our free event on 2 May 2024: How can charity trustees centre lived experience?

Involving users means working ‘with people’ not doing things ‘to people’. At NPC we believe charities and funders work best when they involve their beneficiaries in governance, designing services, and developing strategy.

The people whom charities and funders exist to help often have little or no influence over those organisations’ decisions. To achieve impact, it’s critical that charities and funders find meaningful ways for their beneficiaries to let them know how they would like things to be different.

As the evaluation partner for the Building Connections Fund, we supported grant-holders in co-design processes. From this, we’ve published guidance on how to implement and evaluate co-design which is applicable to almost any project, and we run regular training sessions to help you put it into practice. Get in touch with our consultants for support with your project.

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Got a question, comment, or want to work with us on user involvement? Get in touch with Naomi Chapman.

Get in touch
Naomi Chapman

Organisations we've worked with
