Systems change is a way of trying to get a handle on this complexity to bring about positive social impact. NPC

Systems change

Join us on 25 September for our workshop on Spheres of systems change

In the social sector it can often feel like we’re just mopping up messes and plugging endless leaks without ever managing to fix the underlying fault in the plumbing system. Dealing with the symptoms not the causes.

We need attend to the leaks: leaks are urgent, and not doing so might cause flooding or even drowning. But eventually the question comes: why does this system keep leaking, and can we fix it or change it?

First, we need to develop a systems mindset—understanding the system as a whole and how it behaves, then realising we can’t fix it ourselves!  It takes the system to fix the system—but we are part of it and have our role to play.

So how do we think and work more as a system? How do we begin to address the causes and not just the symptoms?

NPC’s blog on understanding systems change, our guide to systems change, and our systems practice toolkit are great places to start.

Whatever challenges you face, our resourcestraining, and consultancy support can help you adopt a systems change approach.

Talk to us

Have a question, comment, or want to work with us on systems change? Get in touch with Seth Reynolds NPC’s Systems Change Principal.

Get in touch
Systems change expert Seth Reynolds

How we can help

We can work with you directly to help embed systemic thinking and practice in your work. This could include:

  • Training on systems change and what it might mean for your organisation;
  • Conducting systems mapping for your issue, sector or stakeholders;
  • Support to embed a systems approach in your organisational strategy;
  • Development of a systemic theory of change;
  • Evaluation of a systems change programme; and
  • Support with developing or running effective collaborations.

Get in touch to find out how our specialists could help you become a system changing organisation!

Learning for systems change

Join our next Leading Impact webinar on 3 July 2024.

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