Designing our sprints P1
7 January 2020 3 minute read
Today Alex and I started sketching out a rough plan for our upcoming design sprints (knowing that it will completely change day by day as we do the sprint, but needing rough guidelines!)
Here are a few key takeaways from our chat:
- We have decided that we need a session ahead of the design sprints to make sure all the partners in the design team understand the process, expectations, roles and how we are involving young people. This isn’t something they will all have had experience of and we want make sure everyone can engage and the team can hit the ground running when we start the sprints.
- We are working with young people at all of the key decision points throughout the sprint (iterating the iterations!) and relaying this feedback to the wider design team. The young people have limited time to engage, so we will be testing throughout the sprint in small bursts.
- We are also exploring creative ways to allow the young people to express their feedback, so the team aren’t reliant our interpretations. This could involve; drawings, videos, photos etc. (Any ideas or experience here is very much welcomed!)
- We are splitting our sprint across two weeks to make sure we have time to test with young people and to ensure the team has time to reflect and plan (and rest!)
- We are going to involve the development team in the design sprints and testing throughout to make sure we are sharing ideas.
Our ideas are always changing and evolving. This is just a starter for ten and we want to hear from you!
What do you think? How have you done things differently? What factor is the most important in determining the success of a sprint?