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The business of philanthropy

Building the philanthropy advice market

Following the past decade’s rise in philanthropy, philanthropy advice should be booming in the UK. Yet despite this growth, and the benefits on offer for advisors from discussing philanthropy, demand for advice remains modest. Few donors even realise they can get professional advice on giving, and many are unclear about its value.

NPC’s report explores how to stimulate the provision and take up of philanthropy advice.

Firstly, the report provides an analysis of the state of philanthropy advice in the UK.

Secondly, it sets out concrete proposals for developing the philanthropy advice market.

To take the recommendations from the report forward NPC has also set up a new steering group of private bankers and lawyers. The committee, chaired by the government’s Ambassador for Philanthropy, Dame Stephanie Shirley, will share knowledge and ideas and create initiatives to promote philanthropy advice. To find out more about this committee email Plum Lomax, who leads NPC’s work with advisors.

 We need to ensure that philanthropy advice is promoted as widely as possible, with the highest standards of best practice, so that wealthy individuals will give more and think more about the impact of that giving.

Dame Stephanie Shirley
