Insights on innovation: Lessons for the not-for-profit sector

Commissioned by ActionAid and NPC, this collection brings together essays from a wide range of sector leaders on the topic of innovation. The aim is to consider how the sector could be strengthened through a bolder, more innovative approach to its work.

Insights on innovation: lessons for the not-for-profit sector focuses on the need for innovation within the charity sector, and how best this can be achieved.

The collection publishes contributions from an unprecedented range of organisations, each sharing their insight into how the sector could be strengthened through a bolder, more innovative approach to its work. The 26 contributors include:

The essays include ideas ranging from specific ground-breaking projects, to honesty about risk and failure, to developing completely new models for financing charities.

Share your thoughts on the report, and your own experiences of innovation, scaling up and failure on Twitter via @NPCthinks.

This report was commissioned by ActionAid and NPC.
