Inspiring Impact end-of-programme evaluation & learning report
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The Inspiring Impact programme aimed to improve impact practice throughout the UK voluntary sector. Launched in 2012 and funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and a number of other grant funders, the programme ran for ten years and ended in February 2022.
Inspiring Impact was premised on the idea that, by taking a collaborative approach and speaking with a united voice, organisations in the field of social impact measurement could bring more clarity, test new approaches, and achieve greater change for the sector than they could by acting alone. The programme was intentionally ambitious from the outset and we are proud of what has been achieved over the past ten years. We have been inspired by the energy, passion and commitment of these organisations, as well as by all the individuals who participated in activities and learning events or accessed the free resources on the Inspiring Impact website.
With Inspiring Impact closed, NPC, as lead partner for the programme, commissioned an external evaluation. This was undertaken in 2021 by a team of experienced evaluators. The findings of this evaluation are presented in this executive summary and in the full report. We believe that a transparent and robust evaluation is vital in order to capture the depth of our learning, including the various challenges encountered along the way. We hope that the findings will be shared and taken on board across the sector and applied to the development of future initiatives.
The Inspiring Impact website resources have been rehomed by the programme’s partners. We have created this webpage to help you take your first steps into measuring, understanding, and improving your impact and we are pleased to also host The cycle of good impact practice, Data diagnostic, Jargon buster, and The code of good impact practice.
The Access IMP (Impact Management Programme) was merged with the Inspiring Impact programme in 2018. A separate evaluation of the IMP programme was published in 2021 and the findings can be found here.
The Inspiring Impact programme ended in February 2022. With the programme closed, NPC commissioned an external evaluation. Learn more here: Click To Tweet