NPC response the Lords Select Committee on Charities’ review

The Lords Select Committee on Charities was set up to consider issues related to sustaining the charity sector. The Committee recently released a call for evidence on the topic from interested parties. In our response we draw on our experience working for over a decade with charities and funders, bringing to light the challenges and opportunities the voluntary sector currently faces.

Written evidence from NPC on charity sustainability

The Lords Select Committee’s review of the sustainability of the charity sector is timely. Charities face a number of significant challenges—from the changing role and shape of the state and our new political environment, to broader social trends such as demographic changes, new technology, and changing public attitudes.

NPC has worked with charities and funders for nearly 15 years to help them increase the impact they have on the causes and beneficiaries they care about. We welcome the Lords Select Committee’s decision to undertake this review, which we hope will aid relationships between the voluntary sector and the government, and improve their combined ability to tackle social problems.

NPC’s CEO Dan Corry also gave oral evidence to the committee on 18 October. Watch it here.

