Rethink Rebuild
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The covid-19 pandemic brought about a host of changes in the experience and practises of charities and funders in the UK. We set up Rethink Rebuild to find out what those changes are, which changes helped make charities more impactful, and how they could be continued.

Rethinking the ideas behind service delivery
By Joy MacKeith.
On 1 November 2021.
In this guest blog, Joy MacKeith, Co-founder of Triangle, argues that a paradigm shift is needed to enable the right kind of help to reach those who need it.

Rethink, Rebuild: Dan Corry’s speech to NPC Ignites 2021
By Dan Corry .
On 15 October 2021.
Read Dan Corry's NPC Ignites speech in full. This speech was delivered by our Chief Executive at our annual conference on 13 October 2021.

The voluntary sector’s relationship with government
By Sarah Vibert.
On 6 October 2021.
Sarah Vibert, CEO of NCVO, discusses the ways in which the voluntary sector can work with and influence government. Sarah will be speaking at NPC Ignites.

Rethinking and rebuilding the charity sector post-pandemic
By Alex Miller.
On 21 September 2021.
We have launched the next phase of our Rethink, Rebuild programme of work. Learn more about our five ideas for the future of the sector.