man carrying boxes

How are charities adapting to Covid-19? A series of Q&As

This is a series of case studies in the form of question and answer sessions which further explore the impact of the coronavirus crisis from the perspective of individual charities.

Below we ask questions about funding, users, opinions on the wider state of the charity sector, and experiences of continuing to serve the community throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

NPC has published a series of Q&As which explore the impact of the coronavirus crisis on individual charities. Read the interviews here Click To Tweet

For more from NPC on how philanthropists should respond to the coronavirus crisis, read our guidance here. Or if you work for a charity and you are looking for advice and resources on what to do now and in the coming months, take a look at our Covid-19 charity toolkit. For all of our coronavirus resources, and for more charity case studies, visit


Q&A with Contact: A charity for families with disabled children

This is a question and answer piece with the charity Contact. It is the last in a series of case study interviews which further explore the impact of the coronavirus crisis on individual charities. Contact is a charity that works to help families with a disabled child feel valued, supported, confident and informed.

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Family on a walk

Q&A with Cranstoun: A healthy lives charity

This is a question and answer podcast with the charity Cranstoun. It is the fourth in a series of case study interviews which further explore the impact of the coronavirus crisis on individual charities. Cranstoun believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live healthy, safe and happy lives. They offer a wide range of services across England, including community-based substance misuse services, supported housing services, and domestic abuse services.

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Q&A with Royal Association for Deaf people

This is a video question and answer session with the charity the Royal Association for Deaf people. It is the third in a series of case study interviews which further explore the impact of the coronavirus crisis on individual charities. Royal Association for Deaf people provides services to Deaf people in their first language, usually British Sign Language (BSL), and supports organisations to be more accessible to Deaf people.

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child on ipad

Q&A with Homeless Link: A homelessness charity

This is a question and answer piece with the charity Homeless Link. It is the second in a series of case study interviews which further explore the impact of the coronavirus crisis on individual charities. Homeless Link is the national membership charity for frontline homelessness services. They work to improve homelessness services through training and development of frontline staff and by campaigning for policy change that will ensure that everyone has a place to call home.

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Q&A with Rotherfield St Martin: A charity for older people

This is a question and answer piece with the charity Rotherfield St Martin. It is the first in a series of case study interviews which further explore the impact of the coronavirus crisis on individual charities. Rotherfield St Martin are a charity which work to prevent isolation and loneliness in their community by providing companionship, advice, support and services to older people in East Sussex.

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old woman

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