Sally Bagwell

Sally works within NPC’s research and consulting team as Associate Director, supporting the wider team, and working with organisations to make decisions that best meet community needs.

Sally is a skilled facilitator, and specialises in supporting organisations to navigate difficult conversations in a way that’s based on evidence and responsive to organisational culture. Sally has led NPC’s thinking about how we support clients through a strategy process, and what a good strategy process looks like. Sally is also skilled in supporting charities through theory of change processes.

Sally has a particular interest in the way change can happen for communities through the coordinated work of social purpose organisations and publicly funded bodies. She has a particular interest in the social determinants of health; the way a range of organisations can support community health, and how community organisations play a role in the health sector. She is also interested in the way government bodies interact with the social purpose sector, including through the commissioning relationship.

Before joining NPC in 2012, Sally worked at Community Southwark, supporting local charities and voluntary organisations with all aspects of their organisational sustainability. She was previously an Account Manager at GuideStar Data Services.

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Why I work for NPC

I love the fact that NPC is so focused on providing practical solutions and advice on the issues that charities and funders care about.

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